Have you ever think about a way to save money, get you clothes fresh and clean naturally without harsh chemicals and i will mention it again saving money, and found nothing, i have the perfect solution for you. Homemade laundry soap.
Here are the
things that we are going to need in making homemade laundry soap:
First we are
going to need 1 bar grated ivory soap, 1 cup of borax and finaly 1 cup washing
soda it can be found in the laundry isle.
Here are some
instructions in how to make homemade soap:
Firstly we are
going to grate 1 bar of ivory soap and we can grated with a chesse grater.
*You can also
use phels-Naptha, or other brands of soap but make sure it is not a strong
scented soap and as pure as possible. You can also use goat's milk soap if you
can get your hands on some- this would work wonderful!
Secondly we need to add 1 cup of borax, and it can be found in the cleaning isle of most grocery stores- if you can not find it at your grocery store, most stores will order it in for you.
Thirdly we need
to add 1 cup washing soda and it is found in the laundry isle and if your
grocery store does not carry it, most store will order it in for you.
Finaly mix and
store in air tight container. Use 1-2 Tablespoons per load depending on size of
Here are some
tips and warnings for you to make homemade laundry soap, and don't forget to
read these tips and warnings for you to make an ideal homemade laundry soap.
Use a bit more
of mixture for hard water, and don't forget to use a bit of extra ivory for
fresher scent.
Double or
triple batch and store in air tight container, and add a few drops of your
favorite essential oil if you desire another scent, and remember: Washing soda
is NOT the same as baking soda.
Brax is more
natural than other harsh chemicals and is said to only be as harmful to pets
and humans as table salt but to be safe, always read labels and follow
instructions closely.
Keep washing
soda out of reach of childen. And do not mix with bleach.
This is how to
make homemade laundry soap thanks for reading.